Dec 07, 2021

BPOs Nurture Human Intelligence in Contact Center Outsourcing

Bhabna Bhattacharya
By Bhabna Bhattacharya

Manager, Product Marketing

Virtual agents make modern customer service outsourcing more efficient, but they will never wholly replace human agents. While bot technology has made great strides, people’s emotional intelligence enables them to better understand customer emotions, tone, and etiquette—key to resolving the toughest customer issues and increasing customer retention and brand loyalty.

To ensure humanity stays at the heart of the customer experience (CX), business process outsourcing (BPO) vendors are empowering agents with best-in-class training and technologies. Agent training and performance management are the two ladders to high-quality CX.

Traditional BPOs limited their agents’ training to improving communication skills, basic computer skills, and managing inbound and outbound calls. However, omnichannel (phone, text, messaging, social media, web, apps, and email) customer experience requires customized training curriculums and tech stacks to improve agent productivity and performance. So BPOs shifted from traditional classroom concepts and incorporated agent experience strategies to nurture the best talent for your organization. For example, agents team up with AI to boost FCR (first contact resolution), thus serving  more customers in less time.

BPOs align training with your brand

To leave a strong brand impression in a customer’s mind and increase sales, BPO agents study the company’s vision and mission, its brand attributes, and the significance of customer engagement. BPO-led training empowers agents to meet customer expectations, increase customer satisfaction, and track customer behavior, preferences, and feedback so products and services can be fine-tuned accordingly.

[24]7 Agent Services™ hires digital native and emotionally intelligent agents aligned to your brand. The [24]7.ai agents catering to omnichannel needs are highly trained to develop conversational and digital-savvy skills, irrespective of any platform (voice, chat, messaging, and email). By understanding interactional nuances and reading between the lines, our agents seamlessly interact with customers and boost satisfaction.

BPOs accelerate training speed

BPOs get new agents up to speed faster by putting needed information at their fingertips. The onboarded trainees use next-best response tools to confidently interact with customers, getting better and faster. Agent assist technology offers agents the right toolset and relevant context to best serve customers across digital and voice engagements.

[24]7 Assist™ is designed to make every interaction better and guide agents smartly at every step. BPO training enables trainee agents to practice required skills from their first working day without wasting time on PowerPoint learning and development sessions. The goal is to eliminate excess training time and make agents more productive on the operations floor.

BPOs reduces contact center churn

Happy Agents = Happy Customers! Keeping your agents happy increases agent productivity and boosts performance. Every time a frustrated agent leaves the contact center, it exhausts your cost-per-hire investment. Enhancing the agent experience improves agent retention; i.e., higher job satisfaction leads to lower attrition. Improve CX metrics, empower your agents, and reduce churn by making the experience better on both sides.

BPOs Nurture Human Intelligence in Contact Center Outsourcing

[24]7 Agent Services employs a unique ACE (Accelerating Consistent Excellence) framework, delivering consistent results, holding monthly goal-setting discussions, using analytics to manage agent behavioral quotients, and keeping teams engaged with regular group activities. Our culture of coaching through virtual training sessions, plus agent incentives and recognition, drives better outcomes. We also offer a performance management playbook that makes it easy for training departments to centralize control.

BPOs Nurture Human Intelligence in Contact Center Outsourcing


BPOs expand contact center talent pool

BPO vendors provide beyond-the-shore outsourcing services through a work-at-home agent model. It not only enables agents to operate from any part of the world, but it enlarges the talent pipeline, reaches the most experienced and skilled people, and brings diversity to the workforce. A BPO-led work-at-home model handles virtual recruiting, hiring, and training and makes it easier for employees to maintain a work-life balance. It empowers the remote workforce with tools and technology to serve customers better while maintaining the highest security and compliance standards. BPOs streamline the process and identify the best candidates with automated digital assessments for language proficiency, technology competencies, and emotional intelligence.

[24]7.ai further supports continuous learning through multiple platforms, including virtual learning sessions and gamified apps. Our innovative “supervisor as a leader” coaching program empowers supervisors to manage performance, engagement, and goals. A single platform builds high-performing teams and closes the gap between an identified coaching need and improved outcomes. An automated performance management tool serves as a one-stop shop for virtual contact center team leaders.

BPOs Nurture Human Intelligence in Contact Center Outsourcing


BPOs create brand ambassadors

Research by Bain & Co shows that increasing customer retention rates by 5 percent boost profits by 25 to 95 percent.

To retain customers, you need brand advocates who understand your brand and promote it in a competitive market. Your contact center agents can be your perfect brand advocates. You empower the agents while they empower your brand. Investing in agent hiring and training enables your business to flourish.

Even the best-trained agents need a little help—and the right technology makes a big difference in how well they serve customers. Partnering with a BPO cuts costs, boosts productivity, enhances customer experience, and fulfills your company goals at record speed. While the BPO handles end-to-end lifecycle management of agent services, you focus on meeting your business goals.

Take the Next Step

We put people at the center of everything we do. By blending AI and human intelligence, we deliver measurably better outcomes and significant savings. To learn more, please visit our following web pages:

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