Product innovations and enhancements to keep our customers at the forefront of industry excellence

Accurate and timely decision-making is the cornerstone of contact center efficiency. Equipping agents, supervisors, and QA managers with accessible and actionable data, empowers businesses to effectively analyze interactions, identify patterns, and optimize customer support. As the generative AI revolution is disrupting the CX industry, innovative use cases are emerging to assist both customers and agents. Level up your contact center’s operations and performance with our latest product features and transformative solutions – ultimately elevating Customer Experience.

Cloud Migration

We have competed migration for all 15 digital customers to the Google Cloud Platform. Our digital and reporting services are now cloud-ready and operationally optimized to be deployed easily on GCP or any other cloud service in the future, providing an efficient, centralized data architecture.

Transforming Customer and Agent Experience

  1. Initiating SMS conversations directly from Performance Dashboard: With this enhancement, agents can now effortlessly search for and restart SMS conversations directly from the Performance Dashboard, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors. This enhancement streamlines the SMS communication process, saving agents’ valuable time and effort.
  2. Two-Way SMS Queue Transfer: Previously, agents couldn’t transfer customers across queues in SMS conversations, leading to unresolved queries or forcing customers to start fresh with a new agent in another queue. Our improved SMS feature now allows queue transfer, letting agents easily move customers to the right queue, with an agent who is better equipped to resolve their issue. This speeds up service and reduces wait times. Additionally, agents can focus on the customers who they are best suited to help, improving their productivity.

    Figure: Agent Workspace with SMS Queue Transfer Widget
  3. Payment Card Enhancements: We have now enhanced the payment card experience via [24]7 Activeshare, with intuitive input fields and validation for credit card numbers, CVVs, and expiry dates. The payment card will:
    • Automatically identify major card issuers (Visa, Amex, MasterCard, Discover) based on card number input, format, and display credit card numbers according to issuer standards
    • Implement CVV validation based on issuer-specific card lengths and CVV lengths
    • Accept expiry dates in the intuitive MM/YY format
    • Display an issuer icon corresponding to the identified card issuer

    This streamlined payment card experience ensures simplified card input, accurate validation, and improved CX.

Conversation Automation

Localized Bots: We provide tailored voice and digital bots in various non-English languages such as Spanish, French, and German, ensuring localized content for a seamless customer experience. For example, with a Spanish bot, all messages, responses, and menu options are automatically adapted for a natural interaction.

Auditing bot changes: The all-new History Tab in [24]7 Conversation Builder provides comprehensive visibility into the bot’s design evolution, contributors, and context. This tab has a table of changes, chronologically ordered to provide a clear timeline of developments, including change types, color-coded highlights, notes, timestamps, and username who executed the change. With the filtering options, you can narrow down your search using keywords, change types, specific users who made the changes, or even by notes added. This filtering functionality makes it simple to retrieve precise information about alterations and understand the context in which they were made. Additionally, changes made to the bot can be reverted, effectively restoring it to a previous state. This action is visible in the history log, highlighting the step taken to revert the bot.

Advanced Conversational Analytics

Secure Screen Recording Access via [24]7 Performance Dashboard: Users can now access and view screen recordings, directly from the Performance Dashboard, eliminating the need for extra navigation or search, and reducing the risk of unauthorized access. This feature streamlines the screen recording management process, enhances security, and enables users to focus on analyzing data and making informed decisions.

Enhanced Security

Target Outbound SMS Compliance Upgrade: [24]7 Target now empowers client admins to identify and protect personally identifiable information (PII) that may be included in data uploaded to the platform for campaigns. Clients can choose to either mask PII or nullify it for reporting events. This data will be encrypted and stored in the platform, protecting the privacy of individuals, and complying with data privacy regulations.