May 04, 2022

Conversational AI in SaaS

By [24]7.ai

The digital revolution we have been experiencing the last couple of decades has had a significant impact on how we do business and how we interact with business. A part of this transformation has been the growth in SaaS solutions and their own evolution as technologies advance and evolve.

What is SaaS?

SaaS (software as a service) is a type of subscription software that allows users to access and use the software from a remote location. SaaS providers host the software on their own servers and users can access it using a web browser or mobile app.

SaaS is a popular way to access software because it is affordable and easy to use. Its ability and flexibility to allow users to access the software from anywhere in the world broadens the customer base for the business and options and opportunities for consumers.

The added benefit of conversational AI takes SaaS solutions to the next level.

What is Conversational AI?

Conversational AI is a term used to describe the use of chatbots and voice recognition technologies to create a conversational user interface. Conversational AI can be used in a variety of ways, but at its core, it introduces a personalized and personified, automated user experience.

Why is Conversational AI important?

Automation that includes conversational AI does more than just improve customer experience. It also empowers the business end with a host of actionable data about users.

Conversational AI allows users to interact with software in a more natural way. By using chatbots and voice recognition technologies, users can communicate with software as if they were talking to another person, making for a much more enjoyable user experience.

Conversational AI is also important because it can help providers collect data about their users. By understanding how users interact with the software, providers can identify areas where users are struggling and need help.

Conversational AI in SaaS

Conversational AI in SaaS is an exciting shift in the way users interact with software. Instead of clicking through a series of menus or buttons to get the information they need, users can now simply talk to their software. This can be done through voice recognition or chatbot technology.

SaaS providers are able to use conversational AI to create a more personalized user experience. By understanding the user's needs and preferences, providers can create a more tailored experience that is specific to the user. This can help improve user engagement and encourage users to return to the software more often.

Conversational AI can also help providers collect data about their users. This data can help providers improve their software and make it more user-friendly, thereby improving the experience and the professionalism of the SaaS solution.

What is a conversational application platform?

A conversational application platform is a software platform that allows users to interact with the software using chatbots and voice recognition technologies. The platform provides the tools and features needed to create chatbots and voice recognition applications.

Conversational application platforms are popular because they allow users to create chatbots and voice recognition applications quickly and easily. The platforms provide all the tools and features needed to get started, and they are easy to use.

Conversational AI software can be used to power chatbots

Chatbots are computer programs that can mimic human conversation. They are used to interact with users, collect data about them, and help them to use the software. By using chatbots, users can communicate with software as if they were talking to another person. If given the choice, most of us would choose human over bot. By SaaS solutions employing conversational AI, we can, as they say, have our cake and eat it, too.

Conversational AI can be used to create voice interfaces

Voice recognition technologies allow users to interact with software using their voice. By using voice recognition, users can communicate with the software using natural language.

Natural language is more than just the ability to speak as we would to a friend. It’s quite a bit more nuanced than that. Natural language technologies can account for and understand jargon, colloquialisms, thick accents and different languages.

Even the best customer service agent cannot manage the level of natural language understanding that a conversational AI powered interface can. The removal of frustration of understanding less-than-clear people on the other end of the line makes for a quicker, easier and more enjoyable interaction.

Conversational AI can create conversational agents

Conversational agents are computer programs that can mimic human conversation. They are used to interact with users, collect data about them, and help them to use the software. The ability to employ conversational AI in the bot experience means humans on the other end feel like they are speaking with a person versus a machine, even if they know it is in fact a machine. The nature of the informed, targeted and engaging voice makes for a more enjoyable interaction over all.

What is a key differentiator of conversational AI in SaaS?

SaaS solutions have already been changing the game for customers who appreciate the flexibility and ease they provide. By adding conversational AI to SaaS, users can interact with the software in a more natural way.

If you want to know the weather, how would you ask someone? Would you say ‘’current weather” or would you say “hey Jim, what’s it like outside right now?” Chances are, you’d go with the latter. Conversational AI will understand exactly what you’re asking for so that you can talk to it like a friend rather than a machine.

As the world continues to evolve and shift towards increased automation and reliance on SaaS, conversational AI will play an even more important role in user experience by making software feel more human and personalized. The reciprocal benefits of these advancements provides value to both sides of interaction, empowering both to learn from and with each other - automatically.

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