Aug 13, 2021

Creating a Customer Experience Management Strategy

By [24]7.ai

Business success today requires a laser-like focus on customer experience (CX); virtually all CX leaders and industry analysts recognize that. It’s especially true as business emerges from the pandemic, which precipitated a sea change in customers’ online behaviors. However, although a large and growing percentage of companies are putting more wood behind their CX arrows, many more are now coming up with a customer experience strategy for the first time.

It’s daunting. We get that. A customer experience management strategy may require you to invest deeply in digital transformation, acquiring new technical resources and personnel in order to completely overhaul your existing CX infrastructure—or even to create a CX operation from scratch.

Plus, in many organizations, the challenge of creating a customer experience strategy is compounded by fragmented decision-making and control: CX budget and operational responsibilities are spread across departments as diverse as R&D, Product/Engineering, and Marketing (of which none, by the way, are directly tied to customer satisfaction, customer retention, and the like).

Yet, honestly? Organizations no longer have a choice. Bridging the CX digital divide is now “mandatory,” according to a new (2021) Opus Research analyst report, Managed CX: Techniques for Managing Your Digital Transformation.

Let's explore the report's principal findings below.

Customer Experience Strategy: By the Numbers

More than two-thirds (69 percent) of decision-makers interviewed for this report noted their company’s plans to increase investment in CX technologies such as voice assistants, chatbots, IVR, and related conversational AI technologies.

But these decision-makers aren’t throwing open the digital transformation floodgates just yet. Before they commit, fully half of all respondents need to be confident their solution provider fits with their company’s long-term product roadmap (52 percent) and supplies an end-to-end, one-stop-shop solution (51 percent).

Customer Experience Management: Provider Attributes

In fact, a large percentage of interviewed companies said they want to find a single solution provider, a business partner who understands their long-range strategy and is equipped to meet the challenges of blending existing staff, knowledge capital, and resources with new technologies and all-around support.

In addition to advocating a single partner approach to managed customer engagement, the Opus analyst report recommends selecting a provider who offers a complete digital transformation framework:

  • Integrated artificial and human intelligence
  • Single sign-on with a single interface
  • A single contract
  • Friction-free onboarding
  • Subject matter experts with a background in customer care
  • AI analysis tools
  • Ongoing optimization
  • Deep vertical industry knowledge

Take the Next Step
To Better Customer Experience Management

Want to learn how managed customer engagement enables your digital transformation framework to succeed?

For a quick, pictorial overview of the Opus Research report findings, check out The Turnkey Path to CX Digital Transformation infographic.

You should also explore our Services web page: [24]7.ai Managed Customer Engagement.

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