Sep 24, 2021

[24]7.ai™ Hackathon 2021: Innovating Great Customer Experience

Darko Knez
By Darko Knez

Director, Innovations and Partnerships

I want to share the results of the [24]7.ai™ Hackathon 2021—15 innovative working, and workable, prototypes—and give a shout-out to the winners. Those winners include not only the Hackathon contestants who were awarded this year’s top prizes but, ultimately, all [24]7.ai customers.

Great product ideas, of course, can come from anywhere at any time. But we’ve learned we’re much likelier to generate great ideas when we …

  • Gather 50+ top minds from the [24]7.ai Cloud Business unit
  • Provide a vision—enable every company to create memorable conversations that drive a world-class customer experience—they can rally around
  • Give them as few parameters and as many resources and incentives as possible
  • Virtually lock them away together for 48 hours
  • Create a gameshow atmosphere that keeps the fun bubbling every minute of the way

Hackathon 2021 Winners

Congratulations, teams! You’ve so much to be proud of. Of course, not every great idea gets patented or becomes a product or improves an existing one. But we’ve every confidence each of your prototypes will find a place in the [24]7.ai product roadmap!

Hackathon 1st PlaceHackathon 2nd PlaceHackathon 3rd PlaceHackathon Best Working PrototypeHackathon Overall Winners

Hackathon Prototype Evaluation Criteria 

Each engineering squad was guided by five, equally weighted evaluation criteria. Hackathon 2021 winners scored high across the board on each of the following:

  • Business Feasibility—Is the business case commercially/economically viable?
  • Customer Desirability—Do our customers want or need this? Will it solve their problems—and will they see its value?
  • Technical Viability—Do we possess what it takes—the knowhow, skills, resources, technology—to make this happen?  
  • Disruptive Innovation—Will it challenge (if not transform) the traditional way of doing things—in our organization or the greater marketplace? 
  • Completeness—Does the prototype do everything it is supposed to do? 

 The 2021 Hackathon wouldn’t have been such a raging success without our in-house three-judge, three-chief panel of experts who scrutinized, encouraged, and guided each team’s efforts.

  • Dan Reed, Chief Customer Evangelist
  • Rohan Ganeson, Chief Operating Officer
  • Patrick Nguyen, Chief Technical Office 

Thank you Dan, Rohan, and Patrick!

Learn More about Conversational AI Technology

Analysts consistently recognize [24]7.ai as the industry leader in many technology areas, but nowhere are we stronger than in Conversational AI chatbot technology.

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