Dec 13, 2021

What is Customer Experience Management (CXM)?

Tejiri Ohwahwa
By Tejiri Ohwahwa

Content Marketing Manager

Customer experience management, or CXM, is a priority for modern organizations because it’s crucial for keeping your customers satisfied—which is crucial for business success. Think of it like this: Customer experience, or CX, refers to the customer’s collective and ongoing experience, every interaction, with a brand; CXM involves understanding and analyzing these experiences.

CXM: Benefits for your business

Several touchpoints are part of every customer journey. By improving the customer experience, CXM delivers the following benefits.

CXM for a deeper customer understanding

Align with how your customers want to buy rather than with how your organization wants to sell.

  • Humanize technology to enhance your connection with customers.
  • Better understand customer behavior by developing an audience persona or profile.

CXM for cultivating loyalty

Create lasting customers relationships.

  • Deliver personalized experiences for a seamless customer journey.

CXM for measuring success

Make informed, customer-centric business decisions.

  • Create a constant feedback loop that monitors a range of CX metrics.
  • Analyze this data to derive insights and see trends in customer activity.
  • Identify touchpoints that might be derailing the customer journey.

Improving CXM with AI

Now that you know what CXM is, how do you make it better? A great place to start is with artificial intelligence (AI). Advancements in AI make it possible to anticipate what a consumer is trying to do, and to deliver a personalized, predictive, and effortless customer experience—at scale.

AI understands different customer expectations, which is key for personalizing their experiences. Plus, AI extracts insights from big data that form the foundation of a relevant, effective automation solution. And AI adds positivity to a customer's experience, polishing your brand image. That's why more companies are choosing AI for CX.

CXM drives sales growth

Consider your business "doors" where a customer might come knocking. Your phone number, email, and website are likely the first things that come to mind.

However, perhaps you consider social media accounts and messaging apps, such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat, and many others, as points of entry. Billions of people use these apps to communicate every day. The apps also provide a powerful customer service platform for selling goods and engaging with customers, lowering barriers to entry and opening doors to new customers. 

Supporting conversations through messaging apps doesn't necessarily mean fewer phone calls or website visits. But messaging apps are a good place for customers to evaluate your brand, ask for help, purchase products, and engage in services—so you may find new customers available to you through these channels.

Take the Next Step

To learn more about CX and CXM, check out these [24]7.ai resources:

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