Organization Development

[24] Employee




Rachel Varughese 


I still remember that beautiful morning when I walked in on my first day at I was super excited about getting this job and getting back to home turf; Bangalore was like godsent manna for me. The HR folks, a super friendly lot, gave me a very warm welcome and I was made to feel more than comfortable. After I interacted with a few in the office, I could tell immediately that this was a place that I would want to come to work every day. Not only was everyone so warm and friendly, they were clearly motivated and happy to be doing what they were doing!

Coming from a job in the field of Education for 17 years training young minds, I was a little apprehensive initially to join the Corporate world. I was to join the Learning and Development team bestowed with the responsibility of handling orientation for all the new employees at 247. This was all new to me. I did know a few things. I knew that I wanted to work for a company that would reward me for my hard work, that would invest in my training and professional development and cared about what I wanted to do with my future, that would bring some balance to my life and allow me to feel like myself again. Sure enough my dream became a reality!!

My work became my passion. Meeting and guiding new employees, talking about the company/ taking them through the milestones, vision and values came so naturally to me and there I was educating them about life in the corporate world. It was incredibly rewarding. The skills and almost 2 decades of experience learned in teaching stood me in good stead and in no time all my fears were laid to rest.

In the course of time, I was given an opportunity to join one of the best teams: The Organization Development team. My joy knew no bounds. This was a defining moment for me and had a significant effect on my life’s trajectory. Well!! I consider myself fortunate enough to have encountered such talented, inspiring, and enthusiastic leaders, whom I’ve always found committed to excellence. They help you get the spark back and motivate you to do your best.

I have completed 14 years in this organization, and not only have I grown as a professional but also as an individual. Here I learnt that there is more potential inside each person more than they know. In a fast-paced world with everyone wanting it now, in real-time, and a world that is constantly evolving, it is more important than ever to continue to grow professionally and personally. Not only does intentional growth and development have the potential to make you better at your job, it can help you feel more fulfilled both in and out of the workplace. And there is always something you can improve on; make daily deposits into your personal development bank and soon your bank account will grow.